Current Events
Pastor Steve Interviews Keith Getty!
How to Respond to the Refugee Crisis
Weep with those who weep: Terrorist attack in Orlando an assault on the image of God
There’s a Reason Why Banks Have Locks on Their Doors
What A Budget Tells Us
The Shrug That Scares Me to Death
…you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
Financial Perspective
News reports continue to chronicle economic challenges, with some predicting there may be more foreclosures in 2011 than any other year in US history. Many people are rethinking their financial and personal priorities in light of such developments. About 200 AD, Clement of Alexandria put worldly possessions in perspective with these words: “Why do transparent stones…
What’s your sign?…not so fast!
I have gone my entire life believing I was “dependable, persistent, loyal, patient and generous”, only to wake up one morning to discover my sign had changed and I am now “independent, enthusiastic and gracious” and evidently “moody”. A quick change in the year and without any notice I am told I have a new personality. …