Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministry

What does Men’s Ministries look like at SGCC?

Men’s Ministries exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ of the men at San Gabriel Community Church. In various gatherings and activities such as small group Bible studies, men’s breakfasts, retreats, and work projects, we are seeking to develop biblical men, who Lead, Love, Serve, Invest, with Passion.

Lead – Men who biblically lead their families and the church.

Love – Men who love their families and one another.

Serve – Men who serve God, their families, their church, and others.

Invest – Men who invest their lives in eternal things, their families, the church, and one another.

Passion – Men who have a passion for the glory of God, to know, live, and proclaim the gospel, and to know God and his Word.

For more information about Men’s Ministries, contact Pastor Dave Halverson at