The Bible Institute

The Bible Institute

What is The Bible Institute?

The Bible Institute is designed to prepare and equip individuals for effective service to the glory of God. For more information about the Institute, contact Pastor Greg Golden at

Latest Class Offerings:

Past Class Offerings:

Hebrew For The Rest Of Us

January 11 – March 15, 2023 7:00-8:30 p.m., Stewart Lounge with Pastor Greg Golden, teaching

This 10-week class will help you grow in your ability to study and understand the Old Testament by presenting a basic introduction to Hebrew. While not a formal Hebrew class, it will enable you to learn the Hebrew alphabet and basic elements of the language so that effective use can be made of commentaries and other reference tools dealing with the original language. New worlds of insight will be gained from using software and websites that utilize Biblical Hebrew, doing effective word studies, understanding why English Bible versions translate passages differently, and discovering the author’s intended meaning. The class is designed for all who desire to have their lives more deeply impacted by the Old Testament.

Required book, Hebrew for the Rest of Us, by Lee M. Fields

Practical Help for Discipleship

What is discipleship and why are we commanded to do this? Who is called to disciple and how do we do it? This 8-week series will answer these questions and offer practical help on how to study the Bible. We will start our training with Men’s and Women’s groups to learn specifics about discipleship before coming together to learn from Pastor Greg on how to rightly handle God’s Word and hear some helpful counseling scenarios from Diane Acosta. Following part 1, Class participants will be paired up with another believer for hands-on practicum. Part 2 of instruction will offer additional training on the sufficiency of God’s Word and provide participants with further practical tools for helping other believers grow in their faith.

Biblical Foundations and Solutions for a Healthy Marriage

This course examines the following topics: Marriage is Made in Heaven, God’s Directive for Marriage, How to Change your Husband, How to Change your Wife, Conflict Resolution & Communication, Using Financial Wisdom from Proverbs.

Care and Discipleship Training

Care and Discipleship Training is an 8-week course designed for people who have a desire to be equipped to disciple and counsel using the Word of God.

Church History

This course examines the major themes, events and persons from the conclusion of the book of Acts to the contemporary Church.

Faith and Tech

This course is designed to equip believers with a deeper understanding of the current technologies available and encourage them to see and apply these technologies as a crucial ministry tool.

Global Missions

This course is a concentrated adaptation of the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course, presenting Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic dimensions of missions.


This course gives specific tools for studying the various literary types in Scripture, and shows how to determine the intended meaning of Bible passages.

How To Study The New Testament with a Little Greek

This course will increase your ability to mine the riches of the New Testament by introducing some basic Greek. Enough of the language will be covered to effectively use Bible software, do word studies, use commentaries and other tools that reference the original text, and understand why English Bible versions translate passages differently. Important principles for Bible study will also be presented. The class is for all who desire to have their lives more deeply impacted by the New Testament.

New Testament Greek

This course provides a foundational vocabulary and understanding of Greek grammar such that students should be able to read portions of the Greek New Testament by its conclusion.

Philosophy And The Christian Faith

This course examines the history of western philosophical thought and both its impact on contemporary society and implications for Christian apologetics.

Rightly Handling The Word Of Truth

This course explores how to effectively read and study the Bible–whether for one’s own time in the Word or in preparation to teach others.

Spiritual Disciplines

This course provides resources and encouragement for such areas as prayer, fasting, Scripture memorization, and personal Bible Study.

Survey Of The New Testament

This course presents an individual overview of all 27 NT books, including background, authorship, and major themes.

Survey Of The Old Testament

This course presents an individual overview of all 39 OT books including background, authorship, and major themes.

Teaching The Bible

This course underscores the importance of presenting the author’s intended meaning, and covers such topics as how to study passages, use the best tools, create effective outlines and lesson plans, prepare oneself personally, and present the Scriptures in a way that brings glory to God and benefit to students.


This course is an introduction to Bible doctrines, systematically presenting ten primary categories of theology with the goal of developing an organized understanding of Biblical teaching.

Understanding Scripture Through Arcing

This course is designed to help students follow the Biblical author’s train of thought. Each statement in a passage is represented  visually with a small semicircle (“arc”) together with a simple symbol that reflects how that statement relates to those around it.  This makes it possible to literally see the flow of ideas in a passage, and the questions asked in determining the relationships to be arced help the student discover the main point the author is making.

Unity Of The Bible

This course presents an overview of God’s working throughout salvation as traced across the Old and New Testaments, underscoring how the Scriptures speaking in concert as they unfold the whole counsel of God.

How We Got the Bible and Why it Matters

How did we get the Bible? What makes it so unique? Why were certain books included and not others? How do we know the text hasn’t changed after being copied so many times over the centuries? Can we trust our English translations?

“Study the Bible with Pastor Greg”

Study the Bible with Pastor Greg looked at different passages each evening. The one-hour sessions were an encouraging opportunity to be in God’s Word together, grow in our Bible study skills, and walk away with personal application.

Greek For The Rest of Us

In this course, students learned to :

Read and pronounce Greek words

Understand the fundamentals of the Greek language

Conduct effective Greek word studies

Understand why translations are different

Read better commentaries

Make use of software and websites that utilize Greek