This past Sunday, Pastor Steve preached from Daniel chapter nine. In it, we see an amazing prayer by Daniel, crying out to God on behalf of his people. Daniel identifies himself with the sins of the children of Israel and pleads to God for mercy, and for God–for the sake of his own name–to turn and bless his people. He prays, “make your face to shine upon your sanctuary, which is desolate.” If you missed it, I’d encourage you to catch it online. Then yesterday, while scanning through my Facebook newsfeed, this Gospel Coalition post from Trevin Wax caught my eye. At first I was drawn in as the picture is from one of my favorite movies, Life is Beautiful. Then as I read it, I thought I needed to pass it along. Let us pray to the Lord for our nation, as Daniel prayed for his. Perhaps God, in his great mercy, might grant us repentance that leads to life.
–Pastor Dave