Orlando. The name of this Floridian city has long evoked images of fun, recreation, and long awaited family vacations. It’s no coincidence that the local NBA team is named “The Magic”. However, after the events of last Saturday, Orlando will now also bring to mind acts of unspeakable evil. Forty-nine people are dead and dozens more are injured because of the horrific actions of one demonically inspired individual. How do we as believers respond to such an event? What does the Bible have to say when this kind of thing happens? What should the Church do when tragedy strikes, and strikes close to home?
Dr. Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, in his daily program “The Briefing” has some very insightful and important things for us to consider as believers. I would encourage you to take twenty minutes to listen to his message, or download and read the transcript if you prefer. God and His Word is not silent. This message by Dr. Mohler will help you to think and act biblically to this tragedy as well as those that will sadly, yet surely come in the future.
–Pastor Dave