What is the best book I’ve read recently–besides the Bible? Hmm . . .that is a tough one. There are different books I’ve enjoyed for different reasons. But here are two I’ve appreciated lately: Moby Dick, by Herman Melville. Being a journalism student in high school, I missed some English lit classes. It was quite moving to finally read this classic. Decision Points, by George W. Bush. It was fascinating to read President Bush’s own perspective of major events during his terms, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina, and the financial crisis. In talking about Tim’s question, the pastors thought it might be interesting to include the books we are currently reading, too. I enjoy reading books with other people and then meeting to discuss them. Right now those books are: Jesus, Interrupted, by Bart D. Ehrman.This book claims to find errors and contradictions throughout the New Testament. Seeing the basis of these claims has actually served to strengthen my conviction that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. Worship By The Book, edited by D.A. Carson. Carson presents a helpful, Biblical theology of worship, followed by other authors showing how worship is expressed in different church traditions. Their descriptions include sample orders of service that are both enlightening and interesting. The Apology, by Tertullian. This is a powerful defense of Christianity made by the 2nd century Latin church father. There are also three books I’m reading as background for the Veritas Sunday School series. All three speak to how the Scriptures came to us, and why we can be assured they are in fact God’s Word: The Canon Of Scripture, by F. F. Bruce The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable, by Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. The Canon Of The New Testament, by Bruce M. Metzger Finally, I’m reading a book “just for me”: The Hebrew Gospel & The Development Of The Synoptic Tradition, by James R. Edwards. This book challenges some of the findings of recent scholarship regarding the relationship of Matthew, Mark and Luke’s Gospels. Seeing this list, there appears to be an emphasis on Scripture and its reliability. That’s not all I enjoy reading!–but it does seem to be the current theme. The next batch will probably be very different. Look forward to seeing what my colleagues have to say. . . –Pastor Greg
Shortcuts To Holiness
A Good Read (II)