Have you visited our church library?
Conveniently located off the north side of the Worship Center lobby, it contains books to help you grow in understanding God’s Word and applying its truths to your life. You will find books on prayer, Bible study, growing in holiness, and many other life topics. We have many Bible reference works including translations, concordances, atlases, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, and a full wall devoted to commentaries on every book in Scripture. There are separate sections for such subjects as missions, theology, church history, archaeology, apologetics, and hermeneutics. You will also find some of the best tools available for discovering insights from the original languages–whether or not you can read any Greek or Hebrew. There is literally something for everyone. And new titles are being added regularly. The library is so user friendly. The shelves are clearly labeled, so you can begin looking for books in your area of interest as soon as you walk in the room. And the checkout system could not be simpler: just note the titles you are borrowing on the clipboard by the door. When you are finished, place the books in the box marked “returns” and write the date on the same clipboard. That’s it! Why not drop by the library before or after church this Sunday and take a look? If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. And once you start enjoying the benefits of this ministry, you will want to thank Mrs. Gail Mings for her labor of love in cataloguing the books and maintaining the collection. Happy reading! Pastor Greg