With this post the pastoral staff officially unveils our new blog! This is something we have anticipated for quite some time, and are so pleased to finally launch. Why a blog? It will provide a place for us to share so many additional things. Posts might offer a peek at a book a staff member is reading; or give an update on SGUC happenings; or feature a public dialogue between the pastors about a given issue; or provide a “behind-the-scenes” look at a specific ministry here; or links to helpful internet resources; or reflections from one of your pastors’ personal devotions; or perspectives on current trends . . .the list is virtually endless. Perhaps you will find yourself getting to know your church and pastors a little better along the way. But our central desire is that God will be glorified and the gospel of Christ furthered by this site. Our plan is to have regular postings by members of the staff each week. So please bookmark the site or take advantage of the RSS feed. We want to hear back from you! And if there is something you would like to see featured at some point, please feel free to pass that along as well. We can’t promise that every suggestion will be covered, but it will be a great help in making sure this blog is as effective as possible. May God be lifted up as we embark on this new adventure together! Pastor Greg
How Long, O Lord?