Our church library has a wonderful collection of books. The collection contains many volumes that address specific topics like family, relationships, determining God’s will for your life, finances, and many other areas. You will find an outstanding assortment of authors, including Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, J.I. Packer and John Piper. As you would expect, there are commentaries on every book of the Bible, reference books like concordances, Bible encyclopedias and atlases, and a solid selection of translations and Study Bibles. We also have books covering a wide variety of subject areas including Missions, Apologetics, Church History, and Theology. For those interested in delving deeper into a passage, there are resources in Hebrew and Greek, many of which are very usable by those of us who have never studied these Biblical languages. We also are planning to add a Children’s Bookshelf that will prove to be a great resource for our families. When we moved our worship services back to the Sanctuary building, our church library moved with us. It is located inside the Sanctuary on the north side of the building, between the cry room and restrooms. If you have never used the library before, you will find it very simple to borrow books. Simply note the books you’d like in the notebook displayed on the table. You may keep a book for as long as you need, but please keep in mind that others in the church family may also wish to use it. When you are finished, simply return the book(s) to the red box you will find on the bottom shelf of the center bookcase, and then note the date next to your original entry in the notebook. That’s it! We add titles regularly. If there is a particular book you would like to see added to the collection, please let me know and we will see if we can include it. A good cross-section of our church family is already using this helpful resource. If you haven’t had a chance yet, I would encourage you to take a look at the church library this Sunday. –Pastor Greg