This past Sunday we looked at 2 Corinthians 1:12 – 20. We spent a significant part of our time focusing on the truth and implications of v. 20:
v. 20 For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”
Paul is being accused by false teachers of being fickle and this fickleness is a sign that he is not really for them. Paul grounds his defense of his own apostleship and his own teaching (“proclaiming Christ to them – v. 19) in the great truth of v. 20, that all of the promises of God find their Yes in Christ. If we are in Christ, then all the promises God has made belong to us in Christ. What a glorious truth! How do we respond? “We utter our AMEN to God for his glory!”
I want to encourage you in the middle of your week to remind yourself of all that belongs to you in Christ…no matter how difficult your week.
Our kids have been learning these same truths. Below are some pictures of the bulletin board in the church hallway of the promises they have studied together. You probably walked by it on Sunday morning. It serves as a type of Ebenezer for us to remember God’s faithfulness. Remind yourself of these promises and if you have children, remind them of the promises of God they have learned as well.
Rejoicing in Christ!
To the Praise of His Glory,
Pastor Steve