Welcome to Children’s Ministries

Welcome to Children’s Ministries

Who We Are

We strive to be a place that:

  • Equips and affirms parents’ biblical role and responsibilities. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)
  • Teaches Scripture through a Christ-centered curriculum that includes the whole counsel of God and the application of biblical truth. (Psalm 119:15; Matthew 5:13-14)
  • Disciples parents and children by encouraging them to grow in their knowledge of, love for and trust in God. (Colossians 1:28)
  • Shares the saving knowledge and love of Jesus Christ with parents and children within the SGCC and local community. (Matthew 28:19-20)
  • Values Christian fellowship and demonstrates biblical one-another care for our volunteers, families and church community. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7; Philippians 2:3-4)

Our Curriculum

  • God-Centered – God is the main character in all of life
  • Bible-Based – the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, authoritative Word of God
  • Doctrinally-Sound – teaches children all the essential doctrines of the Christian faith
  • Depth – gives students big truths expressed and explained in easily and age-appropriate terms and illustrations
  • Incremental – presents the whole counsel of God, precept upon precept
  • Application – the lessons engage the mind, yet aim for a right heart response to the truth.

Electronic Check-in Instructions for Parents

For security purposes, effective February 11, 2024, we have instituted an electronic check-in system for all children, baby through 6th grade. We ask that parents please adhere to the following procedures for electronically checking-in their children on Sunday mornings. 

  1. Only adults may check-in children. 
  2. Enter the name of the adult checking in the child or use last four digits of phone number.
  3. Check in all children who are attending either Nursery, Toddler, Children’s Church, or Sunday School.  You will do one child at a time.
  4. You will need to select which Sunday School room your child is attending. 
  5. Please check in all children before 9 AM. If you arrive late the check in iPad will be in the lobby. 
  6. If you would like more than one guardian receipt, enter the number 2. The default is set for only 1. 
  7. Each child will receive a name tag.  Please place the tag on the backs of children in nursery and toddler room. 
  8. Please place the tag on the chest of children in Children’s Church and/or Sunday School.
  9. Children will not be allowed in their rooms unless they have a name tag.
  10. Information for the care of children in nursery and toddler room will be taken in the rooms. 
  11. Parents must present the guardian receipt to pick up their children. If a parent loses this receipt, the volunteer working in the room will contact the supervisor for assistance. 
  12. If we need to text you regarding your child, a text will come from 22383. Do not respond to this text, but please go to the room where your child is. 

What We Offer