The Will of God

The Will of God

Pastor Greg and I have been reading some of the early church fathers together and are currently reading works by Cyprian of Carthage. It is amazing to read the writings of Christians who lived centuries ago yet share the same faith. Cyprian was a church elder in the third century and actually had oversight over a number of churches in North Africa. This was during a time of intense persecution of the church and many 

Christians were martyred. During all of this, in his Treatise #4 on the Lord’s Prayer, Cyprian spells out in chapter 15 what God wants from us as Christians. It is a beautiful explanation of God’s will for us and I am hopeful that it will move you the way it moved me to call on God for more grace to live according to His will – “Now that is the will of God which Christ both did and taught. Humility in conversation; steadfastness in faith; modesty in words; justice in deeds; mercifulness in works; discipline in morals; to be unable to do a wrong, and to be unable to bear a wrong when done; to keep peace with the brethren; to love God with all one’s heart; to love Him in that He is a Father; to fear Him in that He is God; to prefer nothing whatever to Christ, because He did not prefer anything to us; to adhere inseparably to His love; to stand by His cross bravely and faithfully; when there is any contest on behalf of His name and honor, to exhibit in discourse that constance wherewith we make confession; in torture, that confidence wherewith we do battle; in death, that patience whereby we are crowned; – this is to do the commandment of God; this is to fulfil the will of the Father.” Fight on! Jon Peirson, elder 1Tim 6:12