In posting the following, I am not intending to pick a fight. As a pastor, I have a responsibility to protect the flock, to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it (Titus 1:9). I personally know several Mormons and love them dearly, while I strongly reject Mormon doctrine. As Christians we must speak the truth in love. Often however, particularly with Mormons, it is easy for us to be strong on the former and weak on the latter. Taking an approach of ridicule or condescension is neither wise nor winsome. At the same time, Mormons would like to represent themselves as Christians, not really that different from you and me. This is usually the approach of the friendly young men who come to your door. While we may agree to certain ethical or moral standards, our core beliefs could not be more radically different. The following blog post by Joe Carter of the Gospel Coalition, 9 Things You Should Know About Mormonism, is a brief but helpful reminder. –Pastor Dave
Arguments Against Anxiety