Fred was raised in a Christian home in Nashville, Tennessee, and came to faith in Christ in his junior high years. A Christian camp ministry was influential in his coming to the realization of his total depravity and need for redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. As Fred faced the temptations of the teenage years, he realized the importance of being in fellowship with other believers, and attended a church that emphasized Bible teaching during those years.
After graduating with an engineering degree, he moved to Denver, where he met his wife Linda through a ministry of Bear Valley Baptist Church. Fred and Linda were active in teaching Sunday School and working in outreach programs to singles and street people in Denver prior to their marriage in 1981.
Fred and Linda moved to L.A. in 1983 to help his aging parents. Looking for a sound Bible-teaching church, it only took a few weeks to discover SGCC, where they soon became members. Fred helped teaching the first grade Sunday School class, and found it to be a challenge and a joy. One of this greatest joys was to lead his young son Michael to Christ. Fred’s desire was to raise all the children that God blessed him and Linda with–if only one child–to be mature in Christ. In fact, that is Fred’s desire for all the members of his local body: to present them perfect in Christ. Fred believes in the power of God’s word to change lives. One way of seeing this happen is to give people he meets a copy of the Gospel of John.
Fred has served as both a Deacon and an Elder. His love for his church family has also included serving in the areas of the Deacon Benevolent Fund Committee and on the Global Outreach Team. Fred enjoys reading biographies, especially of Christian missionaries and teachers. He also like woodworking and traveling.