We are so thankful for your interest in our Campus Master Plan!
Below you can read updates, see the Elders’ goals for the campus and click on the link to donate.
Master Plan Update
2/2024: With the recent completion of the S-16 Children’s space, the Master Plan Committee is grateful to bring Phase One to a close! We thank God for his kindness and the congregation for theirinancial and prayerful generosity. Through your giving, we were able to complete the Nursery and Mothers’ Room/conference room renovations, the Toddler Room, the Children’s Ministry space, refresh P-24 with new technology and rebuild A-25 as an Adult Education space, as well as upgrade windows, floors, hallways, and many other details that benefit the church and school.
We are waiting on calculations and bids for the revised Courtyard and an elevator/lift and will present Phase Two details to the congregation once the Elders have approved them. While there are some funds left in the Master Plan budget, the majority has been spent, so most of Phase Two will require additional fundraising to start work.
We thank God for the gift of this campus! To donate to Phase Two, envelopes are available in the lobby or click on the Master Plan link.
9/2023: Work began on S16, the Children’s Ministry Room. The project will involve replacing the floors, ceiling, lights, technology and windows, as well as new paint and furniture.
8/2023: The Church and School offices got a major upgrade with the addition of wood vinyl flooring to replace the old gray carpeting that was worn and well-used. The offices now have a more professional look, and we look forward to continuing to refresh the north office space as funds become available.
6/2023: Master Plan Reveal Day! The whole church came together to tour the completed rooms, including a renovated Adult Education space, the new Mothers’ Room, the new larger Nursery and the S13/the Toddler Room. The congregation was thrilled with the results and praised God for his provision. Once the City gives a final permit, the Nursery and Mothers’ Room can be opened for use. There have many delays but we are so thankful for the new spaces for ministry.

4/2023: The flooring and counters have gone in the toddler room. We are waiting for the windows to be delivered next month and anticipate moving the children in to their new room by the end of May.
A few sound component delays from overseas have slowed the upper adult space down from completion but we were told this week that they hope to have most of the pieces in by the end of April to be installed in May. The room is almost done!
Our team has worked hard this month to iron out issues with the architect and construction crew related to the air conditioning unit in the Nursery, and our hope is work will finally resume. We should have an updated timeline from the general contractor soon.
3/2023: Work is coming along! Demo is finished, stucco is done and lighting is next in the nursery and mothers’ room.
1/30/23: Demolition began on the Mothers’ Room, Nursery and Adult Education space upstairs! We anticipate completion by May of this year.
8/31/22: Children are moving to their new rooms, and we are waiting for the contractor to give us a start date!
8/2/22: 2nd round of changes to the Courtyard plans submitted to the City.
7/17/22: Final City approval secured for the Nursery and Mothers’ Room renovation! Final bid should be coming from contractor soon with a start date for demo this summer!
7/6/22: 2nd round of changes to the Mothers’ Room and Nursery were submitted to the City. Courtyard plans were submitted last week to the City.
6/8/22: Courtyard plans completed; Donations surpass $340,000!
5/24/22: City’s requested changes to the plans for Mothers’ and Nursery submitted to the City
5/8/22: Master Plan donations surpass $310,000!
4/26/22: Plans for Mothers’ Room and Nursery submitted to the City of San Gabriel
2/7/22: Master Plan donations surpass $250,000!
12/5/21: Master Plan Kick-off! Special All-Church Sunday school, architect boards on display and Q & A with Pastor Steve
6/25/21: Master Plan drawings are shared with the congregation during special Sunday School
9/2019: Current Master Plan Team is formed
The following are the Church’s goals for the Master Plan:
The SGCC/CS campus is not our legacy but should reflect our core conviction that everything we do is to make the glory of God known.
The buildings should be beautiful, simple, clean and inviting.
There should be as much green space incorporated into the design as possible. It should be the most calm, beautiful, inviting place in the community to visit.
Signs should clearly direct visitors where to go. They need to be flexible enough to be clear during the week for school families, during the week for special church activities, and for those coming on a Sunday morning.
Everything on the campus should have a home and should be in its home.
We should find an appropriate way to display appropriate art that when seen moves the heart toward worship, serves as reminders of God’s character and points people to the glory of the gospel and the grace of good on display in the gifts he has granted to those he has created.
Interior Spaces
Create adult ground level and elevator accessible space that is specifically designed to meet the needs of the Bible Institute and Adult SS classes. This would include things such as sound, projection, food prep (snacks and coffee) areas, storage, adjustable lighting for video projection, etc. Should also be easily accessible for future community outreach activities such as ESL classes.
Create office space that meets the needs of the entire ministry. More pastoral offices and more space for interns.
We need designated children’s ministry space to accommodate children from birth– 6th grade. In general it needs to be safe, clean, welcoming and designed for children.
A space that is a designated “lounge”. A place where you could meet and welcome church visitors, host small receptions, have a small group meeting, etc. – inviting, comfortable.
Exterior Space
The Courtyard should be a creative green space that is designed with some flexibility to accommodate smaller groups (parents meeting, parent/teacher conf., teacher lunches, small group lunches for youth, SS lunches, a place to bring your coffee up from the café, etc). It should also be flexible enough to provide a venue for larger gatherings such as wedding receptions or post-school graduation events.
A place where SS classes / small groups, school classes could gather for various kinds of meetings…shaded, good seating…versatile.
Master Plan Construction (order approximate):
Phase 1:
(1a) Current Early Childhood converted to Nursery; Current Nursery converted to Mothers’ Room; new windows in Courtyard classrooms and remove map on cement. COMPLETE
Phase 2:
(2a) Creating accessible Adult Classroom spaces/multi- purpose rooms; Build Elevator/lift to access second floor rooms; Convert Quad to new enhanced and refreshed Courtyard
(2b) Gym reface
Phase 3:
(3a) New pastor offices and conference room
(3b) SGCS classrooms ONGOING

(Above: Architectural drawing of future Courtyard idea – not all elements will be included in the final plan)